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Keen to be involved? Please sign up on the sign-up sheets around the school to show us what you would be  interested in doing  :)



Below are descriptions of roles you can sign up for. You can sign up for more than one!



This involves developing a concept idea for a film (to be approved), then writing the script for it, which will compete against other scripts of the same genre.



This could be in the films as a speaking or non-speaking character, or as a host or reporter at the Film Festival Evening.

Solo vocalist

This could be as a soloist for the music video – there may be many soloists – or as a soloist in a live item at the Film Festival Evening.

Group vocalist

This could be in a choir for the music video, and/or a group performance at the Film Festival Evening.

Song writer

This is like ‘scriptwriter’ except writing a song. Please note: A song-writing coach may want to help you edit your song to be at its best. Also, having your song chosen does not guarantee that you will perform a solo.


This could be on the music video, and/or in one of two live performances on the Film Festival Evening.


This will be for the song in the music video, which could mean you are on film. You might also be involved in any live music performances on the Film Festival Evening.

The song for the music video will be selected, then there will be some time for rap artists to write a rap for it which they can audition with at the vocalists’ audition. Please note: A rap will not necessarily be chosen – only if one is a perfect fit for the song


Film Director

This is for those confident in planning and executing camera work and editing. You may want to use this experience to develop these skills, but you need to be at a strong starting point already to be chosen. It will involve uploading your previous work to showcase your skills. This needs to be your own work, without help.

Film crew

This is for those interested in filming, but not yet experienced enough to be a film director.


Promotional Team

This will mean designing the tickets, the programmes, the voting cards, and the page about the Film Festival which is on the school website. It will also mean strategizing the promotional campaign for the show. You will also be ushers on the evening – collecting tickets and handing out the programmes and voting cards.

Costume Team

This team will design and source the costumes required for each film. We would like a Student-in-charge for each film and an overall Student CEO of costumes. These students would be in contact with the teacher in charge of each film, as well as scriptwriters and actors to determine the costumes. With low budgets and realistic scenarios, most will need to be sourced for free from actors’ wardrobes or the school community.

Props Team

This team will design and source the props required for each film. We would like a Student-in-charge for each film and an overall Student CEO of Props. These students would be in contact with the teacher in charge of each film, as well as scriptwriters and actors to determine the props needed. With low budgets and realistic scenarios, most will need to be sourced for free from the school community. 

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